What's Love Got To Do With it?
I always found Valentine's Day to be one of those truly unnecessary 'holidays'. Now, this might not come as a shock to you, but on this particular Valentine's Day I happen to find myself alone(so I might be just a bit biased), But nevertheless I've never found Valentine's Day to be a true representation of what we think of as love.
Now I know you all have heard the term "Hallmark holiday" and, really, is that not exactly what Valentine's Day is? There's no history behind this day,there is no reason for the 14th of February to be a special day or a day of love but every year when February 14th hits we all seem to scramble around finding flowers and chocolates to make not only the one we care about feel wanted, but, to also make ourselves feel like a good person, ammiright? Now This might only be me, but Valentine's Day is a cheap way of showing love. See I'm the type of guy who goes out and pick up flowers for a Tuesday night date with this girl i've been seeing for a few weeks, Some may find that weird or out of the norm, but flowers are a great way to express you're interested in somebody. Girls remember flowers, I don't know what it is about them, honestly they may my eyes tear and nose itch, but all girls Will remember a guy that gives them flowers (Trust me).
Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate Valentine's Day, I don't find it to be dumb in any way, but cliché? Yes. Love is a beautiful everlasting bond and to take only one day to celebrate it isn't love. Loves swells and shrinks every day it's like a wild roller coaster and you know what, sometimes you might just get sick of it, but there are those rare few occasions when you just come out of that corkscrew and you feel butterflies in your stomach and you feel smile on your face and you know that's a ride worth staying on.
My family is unique breed of people, we all just seem to not be completely....there, we have flaws and we embrace them and at the day we're perfectly imperfect and we accept each other for that. That's love. being able to, against all odds, love somebody for being imperfect, rather than for the flowers or chocolates they got you.
So I'm going to leave you with a request: go to your contacts right now, and stroll through till you find a name of someone who you think knows you best, the person whose seen not only the best side of you, but also the worst. When you find that person give them a call.
So let me just take a minute to thank my Family. You're everything in the world to me and more, your my past my present and my future and I'm thankful everyday for that. I Love You Guys. Happy Valentines Day.