Friday, February 13, 2015


Sunglass Nut:

Sunglasses. From Hipsters to High Society, from Athletes to Assholes, there are sunglasses for everyone on the spectrum. I;m not going to talk about real proscription glasses (I'll have that for another day) but I'm going to lay down some rules for Sunglasses:

1. Face Shape is everything in making your choice: Glasses fit a face shape and you should find out yours before you go out to scoop up a pair: (Try ) 

2. Big Brands are big for a reason... They make great stuff, but don't be afraid to try something new and off brand (Check out

3. In the words of Larry David, "Only two types of two people wear sunglasses inside blind people and assholes" Now i'm not going to say that I am completely without guilt sometimes my friend Jack Daniels can be a real bitch in the morning. But do whatever you can  to avoid wearing glasses inside. Unless your Marcello Mastroianni.

4. Marcello Mastroianni is the perfect illustration Glasses are an extension of a person, while also being a reflection of their personalty,  

5. Now the age old question of "Can I wear my sunglasses at night" (Shout out to Corey Hart),Similar to 'inside situation' (see above), sunglasses are an accessory, although, they should be only worn in the daylight.Wearing glasses at night is not the end of the world (although, you might get some shitty looks)… sometimes you just gotta block out those haters.

So I'll leave y'all with this in mind, Sunglasses are always a great addition to a look, But the difference between the right ones and the wrong ones go a really long way. So follow these rules and wear them with pride cause at the end of the day you get what you put out. 

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